

  • 最好的耐克超级联赛罢工足球
    自贝利(Pele)和奇纳格利亚(Chinaglia)时代以来,足球已经走过了漫长的道路。你再也找不到传统的黑白六角形图案了,因为设备公司现在正在寻求用独特的视觉效果和技术来定义他们的球,这意味着更高的功能。但有一件事是一致的;玩这个游戏你只需要一个球。无论你是在联赛球队还是在三人制的比赛中,足球都是外出玩乐的唯一必需品。然而,随着制造业的新发展,现在每个球都使用了各种各样的材料和各种各样的构造方法,试图理解所有存在的变量可能会让人感到困惑。如今,这并不像走进当地的体育用品商店,从货架上随便拿一件那么简单。但不要害怕;无论玩家的年龄和技术水平或预期使用领域如何,都有一个选项可以满足您的需求。这份名单根据各种具体标准,反映了目前市场上2022年最好的足球。首先,这些球的构造很重要,诸如制造每个球的面板数量(最常见的是18、26和32)等因素对它们的性能起着至关重要的作用。 Touch is a big part of deciding which ball is the most dynamic on the field and this brings us to two other points of criteria, the balls outer material and bladder. These best soccer balls are made of synthetic leather and contain latex bladders. Synthetic leather offers the best bounce and cuts down on water absorption, while latex is preferred because of the way it plays and responds on the field. Other bladders such as butyl are often too hard once they're inflated, adversely affecting both touch and response. Finally, the graphics along the exterior of these selections may seem like simple aesthetics placed there for panache, but major companies are now using the bold and colorful visuals to improve the game for the players by way of greater visibility. If these ball are easier to see, it's easier to engage them to make the game faster and more exciting as the scoring increases. Finally, these balls have each been certified and approved by the governing bodies of FIFA and/or NFHS.
  • 最好的生活足球护胫
  • 最佳Reusch Ortho Tec守门员手套
    当一切都失败了,还有守门员,他是球队中最后一个能阻止对手把球打进网的成员。压力下的优雅,防守的领导者,当事情看起来黯淡时,也必须激发信心。你有一个首要指令:停球。幸运的是,你可以使用你的手,而球场上的其他人不能,所以一副守门员手套可能是这个位置最重要的装备。这意味着你希望它们合适,功能良好,并不惜一切代价保护你的手。领先的足球装备制造商已经建立了他们的手套与这些必需品,有这么多的品牌在那里,其中一个一定是适合你的。记住,在做决定之前,你需要试穿几双不同的鞋子。首先,手套的尺寸应该合适。你的手指需要能够移动和伸展,这样你才能有效地接住球。有些手套的剪裁方式不同,在手掌和手指处提供舒适或宽松的感觉。 A poor fitting glove will not perform well during the game and the result could be a check in the loss column for your team. So when you're ready to slip on your goalie gloves, check out these five brands first. You just may find what you're looking for among these picks, each one chosen along specific criteria.To start with, the gloves must be comfortable and each of these picks provides absolute comfort for the hands in both warm and cool weather with materials that are breathable and allow good air flow to battle wetness from sweat. Ergonomic construction helps the gloves fit better on each hand for a snug fit so that they feel more like a second skin than a bulky glove. The quality and durability of the materials that are used in the construction of the glove, both inside and along the exterior, are crucial for shock absorption from the ball hitting the hand as well as making sure the glove is tear-resistant in the heat of action.Grip and palm feel are also important and went into the consideration of each pick we selected so goalies are able to feel the ball more accurately which means they can stop it more effectively. Most importantly, these picks provide strong finger and backhand protection to keep fingers from getting hyper-extended and hands properly guarded when punching the ball away from the goal. All of these elements combined make up the ideal pick for a spot on our list. Check out the best goalie gloves in 2022 we've selected below and see if any of them are right for you.
  • 最好的阿迪达斯梅西足球鞋